Sunday, July 11, 2010

16 Ways To Win My Heart;)

  1. Talk with me often (about everything & anything)
  2. Show me that you care (sweet actions > Sweet words)
  3. Sing for/with me(I don't care if you're good or not, just sing with me)
  4. Be funny (but not stupid)
  5. I hope you can at least cook/bake something
  6. Good/Decent hair- first thing I notice.
  7. LOYAL + HONEST (most important!)
  8. Be who you are & I will accept just the way you are
  9. Don't act stupid or say bad words in front of me.
  10. Listen to me when I have a problem
  11. Dedicate some songs for me;)
  12. Call or text me before I go to sleep
  13. Text me a morning message everyday
  14. Smile a lot
  15. Don't make bad jokes! (NOT COOL)

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